2016年3月29日 星期二


1. 將相關設定加入.vimrc
set hlsearch
set mouse=n

execute pathogen#infect()

map <f2> :tabe<CR>
map <f3> :tabN<CR>
map <f4> :tabn<CR>

map <f5> :se list<CR>
map <f6> :se nolist<CR>
map <f7> :FufFile<CR>
map <f8> :BufExplorer<CR>

" Open and close all the three plugins on the same time
nmap <F9> :TrinityToggleAll<CR>

" Open and close the srcexpl.vim separately
nmap <F10> :TrinityToggleSourceExplorer<CR>

" Open and close the taglist.vim separately
"nmap <F11>  :TrinityToggleTagList<CR>
nmap <F11> :Tlist<CR>

" Open and close the NERD_tree.vim separately
nmap <F12> :TrinityToggleNERDTree<CR>
2. 將cscope_maps.vim內容加入.vimrc

3. 將需要的套件放到.vim下
$ tree -L 2
--- autoload
|   |__ pathogen.vim
--- bundle
    |__ bufexplorer-7.4.6
    |__ nerdtree
    |__ SrcExpl-5.3
    |__ taglist_46
    |__ Trinity
    |__ vim-fuzzyfinder
    |__ vim-l9
4. 產生ctags和cscope的關聯檔
$ find . -name *."[ch]" > cscope.files
$ ctags -L cscope.files
$ cscope -Rbki cscope.files

