2016年3月2日 星期三

磁碟效能測試工具: IOzone

1. IOzone簡介
IOzone is a filesystem benchmark tool. The benchmark generates and measures a variety of file operations. Iozone has been ported to many machines and runs under many operating systems.

2. IOzone參數說明
-a    Used to select full automatic mode. Produces output that covers all tested file operations
      for record sizes of 4k to 16M for file sizes of 64k to 512M. 

-b filename
      Iozone will create a binary file format file in Excel compatible output of results. 

-R    Generate Excel report. Iozone will generate an Excel compatible report to standard out. This
      file may be imported with Microsoft Excel (space delimited) and used to create a graph of
      the filesystem performance. Note: The 3D graphs are column oriented. You will need to
      select this when graphing as the default in Excel is row oriented data.
3. 效能測試
The simplest way to get started is to try the automatic mode.
$ iozone -a
If you wish to generate graphs then you may wish to turn on Excel mode.
$ iozone -Ra                (Output can be imported using space and tab delimited)


$ iozone -Rab output.xls    (Output file "output.xls" is a binary format spreadsheet)
4. 參考來源

