2017年7月6日 星期四

3.5mm 耳麥接口標準: OMTP and CTIA

3.5mm 三環四節耳麥接口有兩個標準: 

1. OMTP (Open Mobile Terminal Platform)

OMTP is used by: old Nokia (and also Lumia starting from the 2nd gen[17]),old Samsung (2012Chromebooks), old Sony Ericsson (2010 and 2011 Xperias), Sony (PlayStation Vita), OnePlus One

2. CTIA (Cellular Telecommunications Industry Association)

CTIA is used by: Apple, HTC, LG, Blackberry, latest Nokia (including 1st gen Lumia as well as later models), latest Samsung, Jolla, Sony (Dualshock 4), Microsoft (including Surface and XboxOne controller with chat adapter) most Android phones.

3. 參考資料

